
ZERO Article

ZERO Article

Sometimes it is possible to have a noun phrase with NO article—the so-called "ZERO article".
I need a bowl of rice. ← indefinite article
I like the rice in this restaurant. ← definite article
I eat rice every day. ← ZERO article
The ZERO article usually occurs in the following cases:

ZERO Article with Plural and Uncountable Nouns

General meaning

  • cars, people
  • life, water

Abstract nouns

  • education, happiness, music

ZERO Article with Singular Countable Nouns


PeopleMary, Bill, Josef
PlacesJupiter, Russia, Bangkok, Heathrow Airport, Cambridge University, Waterloo Station
StreetsOxford Street, Wall Street, Picadilly Circus
LanguagesEnglish, Russian
Academic subjectsHistory, Law, Physics
Days, monthsMonday, November

Games and Sports

  • football, chess


  • breakfast, lunch, dinner

Noun + Number

  • platform 3, room 7, page 44

Routine Places

  • in bed, at home, to school, to work

Movement or Transport

  • on foot, by car, by bus, by air

Newspaper Headlines, Notices, User Guides

  • Plane Crashes On HouseKeep Area CleanInsert battery

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences showing the ZERO article in context.
  • Cars can be dangerous.
  • We seldom see courage like that.
  • I could see clouds in the sky.
  • There was milk on the doorstep.
  • I gave it to Mary.
  • She arrived in Bangkok yesterday.
  • Do you speak French?
  • He is good at tennis.
  • People will travel to Mars soon.
  • He is in room 45.
  • Please turn to page 67.
  • She's in bed.
  • Are you at home?
  • They took her to hospital.
  • I'm leaving town tomorrow by car.
  • I go to school by bus.
  • We usually meet on Monday.
  • November is quite cold.
The ZERO Article is sometimes also called the ZERO Determiner.

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