
Proper Nouns

Proper Nouns

Your name is a proper noun. A proper noun is the special word that we use for a person, place or organization, like John, Marie, London, France or Sony. A name is a noun, but a very special noun - a proper noun. English proper nouns have special rules.
common nounproper noun
man, boyJohn
woman, girlMary
country, townEngland, London
companyFord, Sony
shop, restaurantAmazon, Subway
month, day of the weekJanuary, Sunday
book, filmWar and PeaceTitanic

Capital Letters with Proper Nouns

RULE: We always use a Capital Letter for the first letter of a name or proper noun. This includes names of peopleplacescompaniesdays of the week and months. For example:
  • They like Anthony. (not They like anthony.)
  • I live in England.
  • She works for Sony.
  • The last day in January is a Monday.
  • We saw Titanic in the Odeon Cinema.
In normal grammatical writing, there are NO exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, however, for stylistic reasons, people may choose to ignore the rule to give their writing a unique or "modern" look. This is typically seen in advertisements or company logos. For correct writing, and especially in exams, we recommend that you observe the rule without fail.

Proper Nouns without THE

We do not use "the" with names of people. For example:
first namesBill (not the Bill)
full namesHilary Gates
We do not normally use "the" with names of companies. For example:
  • Renault, Ford, Sony, EnglishClub (not the EnglishClub)
  • General Motors, Air France, British Airways
  • Warner Brothers, Brown & Son Ltd
If the full (registered) name of a company starts with "The", then we use "The" if we use the full name, for example:
  • The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd
In this case, "The" is part of the company's name and must be capitalised, like all names.
We do not normally use "the" for shops, banks, hotels etc named after a founder or other person (with -'s or -s). For example:
shopsHarrods, Marks & Spencer, Macy's
banksBarclays Bank
hotels, restaurantsSteve's Hotel, Joe's Cafe, McDonald's
churches, cathedralsSt John's Church, St Peter's Cathedral
We do not normally use "the" with names of places. For example:
townsWashington (not The Washington), Paris, Tokyo
states, regionsTexas, Kent, Eastern Europe
countriesEngland, Italy, Brazil
continentsAsia, Europe, North America
Exception! If a country name includes "States","Kingdom", "Republic" etc, we use "the":
statesthe United States, the US, the United States of America, the USA
kingdomthe United Kingdom, the UK
republicthe French Republic
We do not use "the" with "President/Doctor/Mr etc + Name":
the president, the kingPresident Bush (not the President Bush)
the captain, the detectiveCaptain Kirk, Detective Colombo
the doctor, the professorDoctor Well, Dr Well, Professor Dolittle
my uncle, your auntUncle Jack, Aunt Jill
 Mr Gates (not the Mr Gates), Mrs Clinton, Miss Black
Look at these example sentences:
  • I wanted to speak to the doctor.
  • I wanted to speak to Doctor Brown.
  • Who was the president before President Kennedy?
We do not use "the" with "Lake/Mount + Name":
the lakeLake Victoria
the mountMount Everest
Look at this example sentence:
  • We live beside Lake Victoria. We have a fantastic view across the lake.
We do not normally use "the" for roads, streets, squares, parks etc:
streets etcOxford Street, Trenholme Road, Fifth Avenue
squares etcTrafalgar Square, Oundle Place, Piccadilly Circus
parks etcCentral Park, Kew Gardens
Many big, important buildings have names made of two words (for example, Kennedy Airport). If the first word is the name of a person or place, we do not normally use "the":
peopleKennedy Airport, Alexander Palace, St Paul's Cathedral
placesHeathrow Airport, Waterloo Station, Edinburgh Castle

Proper Nouns with THE

We normally use "the" for country names that include "States","Kingdom", "Republic" etc:
Statesthe United States of America/the USA
Kingdomthe United Kingdom/the UK
Republicthe French Republic
We normally use "the" for names of canals, rivers, seas and oceans:
canalsthe Suez Canal
riversthe River Nile, the Nile
seasthe Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean
oceansthe Pacific Ocean, the Pacific
We normally use "the" for plural names of people and places:
people (families, for example)the Clintons
countriesthe Philippines, the United States
island groupsthe Virgin Islands, the British Isles
mountain rangesthe Himalayas, the Alps
Look at these sentences:
  • I saw the Clintons today. It was Bill's birthday.
  • Trinidad is the largest island in the West Indies.
  • Mount Everest is in the Himalayas.
We normally use "the" with the following sorts of names:
hotels, restaurantsthe Ritz Hotel, the Peking Restaurant
banksthe National Westminster Bank
cinemas, theatresthe Royal Theatre, the ABC Cinema
museumsthe British Museum, the National Gallery
buildingsthe White House, the Crystal Palace
newspapersthe Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Post
organisationsthe United Nations, the BBC, the European Union
We normally use "the" for names made with "of":
  • the Tower of London
  • the Gulf of Siam
  • the Tropic of Cancer
  • the London School of Economics
  • the Bank of France
  • the Statue of Liberty

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